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Martin Törngren, Dan Henriksson, Ola Redell, Christoph Kirsch, Jad El-Khoury, Daniel Simon, Yves Sorel, Hanzalek Zdenek, Karl-Erik Ĺrzén. Co-design of Control Systems and their real-time implementation - A Tool Survey. Research Report Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, No 0, 2006.


Daniel Simon http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/simon/welcome.html

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Törngren, Martin and Henriksson, Dan and Redell, Ola and Kirsch, Christoph and El-Khoury, Jad and Simon, Daniel and Sorel, Yves and Zdenek, Hanzalek and Ĺrzén, Karl-Erik},
   Title = {Co-design of Control Systems and their real-time implementation - A Tool Survey},
   Number = {0},
   Institution = {Royal Institute of Technology, KTH},
   Address = {Stockolm},
   Year = {2006}

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