Publications 2003


  1. International Workshop on Synchronous Languages, Programming, and Applications, SLAP'03. F. Maraninchi, A. Girault, E. Rutten (eds.), ENTCS, Elsevier Science, Porto, Portugal, April 2003. details

Academic Journals

  1. B. Jeannet. Dynamic Partitioning In Linear Relation Analysis. Application To The Verification Of Reactive Systems. Formal Methods in System Design, 23(1):5-37, July 2003. details

International Conferences

  1. Karine Altisen, Aurélie Clodic, Florence Maraninchi, Eric Rutten. Using Controller-Synthesis Techniques to Build Property-Enforcing Layers. In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming, ESOP'03, April 7 - 11, 2003,Warsaw, Poland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2003. details
  2. G. Goessler, J. Sifakis. Component-Based Construction of Deadlock-Free Systems (Extended Abstract). In proc. FSTTCS'03, LNCS, Volume 2914, 2003. details
  3. A. Girault, X. Nicollin. Clock-Driven Automatic Distribution of Lustre Programs. In International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT'03, R. Alur, I. Lee (eds.), LNCS, Volume 2855, Pages 206-222, Philadelphia (PA), USA, October 2003. details
  4. A. Girault, H. Kalla, Y. Sorel. Une heuristique d'ordonnancement et de distribution tolérante aux pannes pour systèmes temps-réel embarqués. In Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, MSR'03, Pages 145-160, Metz, France, October 2003. details
  5. F. Gaucher, E. Jahier, B. Jeannet, F. Maraninchi. Automatic State Reaching for Debugging Reactive Programs. In Int. Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, AADEBUG'03, September 2003. details
  6. A. Girault, H. Kalla, M. Sighireanu, Y. Sorel. An Algorithm for Automatically Obtaining Distributed and Fault-Tolerant Static Schedules. In International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN'03, San-Francisco (CA), USA, June 2003. details

Research Reports

  1. B. Jeannet, W. Serwe. Abstracting Call-Stacks for Interprocedural Verification of Imperative Programs. Technical Report IRISA, No 0, July 2003. details


  1. A. Girault. Automatic Distribution of Synchronous Programs. ERCIM News, 52:26-27, January 2003. details

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