Module Formula

module Formula: sig .. end

Boolean expressions

type cond = CondDD.cond 
type typ = CondDD.typ 
type typdef = CondDD.typdef 
type expr = [ `Arith of ArithDD.t
| `Benum of Bddenum.t
| `Bint of Bddint.t
| `Bool of Bdd.t ]
type leaf = [ `Arith of Arith.expr ] 
class type db = object .. end
class make_db : Manager.t -> CondDD.db
val typ_of_expr : expr -> typ
val print_cond : Format.formatter -> cond -> unit
val print_typ : Format.formatter -> typ -> unit
val print_typdef : Format.formatter -> typdef -> unit
val print_expr : #db -> Format.formatter -> expr -> unit
val print_bdd : #db -> Format.formatter -> Bdd.t -> unit
val print_db : Format.formatter -> #db -> unit
module Bool: sig .. end
module Bint: sig .. end
module Benum: sig .. end
module Arith: sig .. end
val eq : #db -> expr -> expr -> Bool.t
val ite : #db -> Bool.t -> expr -> expr -> expr
val compose_of_substitution : #db ->
expr Var.Map.t -> Bdd.t array option * expr Var.Map.t
val substitute : #db -> expr -> expr Var.Map.t -> expr
val var : #db -> Var.t -> expr
val cofactor : expr -> Bdd.t -> expr
val tdrestrict : expr -> Bdd.t -> expr
val support_cond : #db -> expr -> Bdd.t
val vectorsupport_cond : #db -> expr list -> Bdd.t
val support : #db -> expr -> Var.Set.t
val print_expr : #db -> Format.formatter -> expr -> unit
val print_bdd : #db -> Format.formatter -> Bdd.t -> unit
val cleanup : #db -> SetteI.t -> expr list -> unit