Index of class attributes

v_bddincr [Bddvar.db]
v_bddindex [Bddvar.db]
v_careset [CondDD.db]
v_cond [CondDD.db]
v_idcondvar [Bddvar.db]
Associates to a BDD index the variable involved by it
v_manager [Bddenum.db]
v_print_external_idcondb [Bddvar.db]
Printing conditions not managed by Bddvar.
v_typdef [Bddenum.db]
Named types definitions
v_varinfo [Bddvar.db]
info associated to variables
v_varset [Bddvar.db]
Associates to enumerated variable the (care)set of possibled values.
v_vartyp [Bddenum.db]
Associate to a label its type, assuming that a label is not shared among enumerated types