Module SHGraph.S.HashH

module HashH: Hashhe.S  with type key=hedge

type key 
type 'a t = (key, 'a) Hashhe.hashtbl 
module Hash: Hashhe.HashedType  with type t=key
val create : int -> 'a t
val clear : 'a t -> unit
val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val remove : 'a t -> key -> unit
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
val find_all : 'a t -> key -> 'a list
val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
val map : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val length : 'a t -> int
val print : ?first:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?sep:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?last:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?firstbind:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?sepbind:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?lastbind:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
(Format.formatter -> key -> unit) ->
(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit