Research Reports


  1. Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, Peter Poplavko. SPDF: A Schedulable Parametric Dataflow Graph Model (extended version). Research Report INRIA, No 7828, December 2011. details
  2. Lies Lakhdar-Chaouch, Bertrand Jeannet, Alain Girault. Widening with Thresholds for Programs with Complex Control Graphs. Rapport de recherche INRIA, No 0, July 2011. details


  1. G. Goessler. Component-based Modeling and Reachability Analysis of Genetic Networks. research report INRIA, No 0, 2008. details
  2. P. Fradet, S. Hong Tuan Ha. Aspects of Availability - Enforcing timed properties to prevent denial of service. Research Report INRIA, No 6754, December 2008. details
  3. B. Jeannet. Relational interprocedural analysis of concurrent programs. Research Report INRIA, No 6671, October 2008. details
  4. A. Gamatié, E. Rutten, H. Yu. A Model for the Mixed-Design of Data-Intensive and Control-Oriented Embedded Systems. Rapport de Recherche INRIA, No 6589, July 2008. details download
  5. E. Rutten. Reactive control of adaptive embedded systems. Rapport de Recherche INRIA, No 6604, July 2008. details download


  1. Huafeng Yu, Abdoulaye Gamatié, Eric Rutten, Jean-Luc Dekeyser. Model Transformations from a Data Parallel Formalism towards Synchronous Languages. Rapport de Recherche INRIA, No 6291, September 2007. details
  2. C. Constant, B. Jeannet, T. Jéron. Automatic Test Generation from Interprocedural Specifications. Research Report IRISA, No 1835, March 2007. details
  3. Emil Dumitrescu, Alain Girault, Hervé Marchand, Eric Rutten. Optimal discrete controller synthesis for the modeling of fault-tolerant distributed systems. Rapport de Recherche INRIA, No 6137, March 2007. details
  4. T. Le gall, B. Jeannet. Analysis of Communicating Infinite State Machines using Lattice Automata. Research Report IRISA, No 1839, March 2007. details


  1. G. Goessler. Componend-based Design of Heterogeneous Reactive Systems in \textscPrometheus. Research Report INRIA, No 6057, 2006. details
  2. Martin Törngren, Dan Henriksson, Ola Redell, Christoph Kirsch, Jad El-Khoury, Daniel Simon, Yves Sorel, Hanzalek Zdenek, Karl-Erik Årzén. Co-design of Control Systems and their real-time implementation - A Tool Survey. Research Report Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, No 0, 2006. details
  3. T. Ayav, P. Fradet, A. Girault. Implementing Fault-Tolerance in Real-Time Systems by Program Transformations. Research Report INRIA, No 5919, May 2006. details


  1. G. Goessler. Reach Scheduling for Embedded Systems. Research Report INRIA, France, No 5651, 2005. details download
  2. Bertrand Jeannet, Thierry Jéron, Tristan Le Gall. Abstract lattices for the analysis of systems with unbounded FIFO channels. Research Report IRISA, No 1767, December 2005. details
  3. Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Generalized Multisets for Chemical Programming. Research Report INRIA, No 5743, November 2005. details download
  4. G. Delaval, E. Rutten. A Domain-Specific Language for Multi-task Systems, applying Discrete Controller Synthesis. Research Report INRIA, No 5690, September 2005. details download
  5. T. Legall, B. Jeannet, H. Marchand. Contrôle de systèmes symboliques, discrets ou hybrides. Technical Report IRISA, No 0, January 2005. details


  1. B. Jeannet, T. Jéron, V. Rusu, E. Zinovieva. Symbolic Test Selection Based on Approximate Analysis. Technical Report IRISA, No 0, October 2004. details
  2. Eric Rutten, Hervé Marchand. Automatic Generation of Safe Handlers for Multi-Task Systems. Rapport de Recherche INRIA, No 5345, October 2004. details download
  3. B. Jeannet, A. Loginov, T. Reps, M. Sagiv. A relational approach to interprocedural shape analysis. Technical Report University of Wisconsin-Madison, No 0, April 2004. details download


  1. B. Jeannet, W. Serwe. Abstracting Call-Stacks for Interprocedural Verification of Imperative Programs. Technical Report IRISA, No 0, July 2003. details

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