Publications 2010
Academic Journals
- G. Batt, M. Page, I. Cantone, G. Gössler, P.T. Monteiro, H. de Jong. Efficient parameter search for qualitative models of regulatory networks using symbolic model checking. Bioinformatics, 26(18), 2010.
- X. Briand, B. Jeannet. Combining control and data abstraction in the verification of hybrid systems. Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 29(10), 2010.
- B. Jeannet, A. Loginov, T. Reps, M. Sagiv. A relational approach to interprocedural shape analysis. ACM Trans. On Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 32(2), 2010. download
- A. Malik, Z. Salcic, P.S. Roop, A. Girault. SystemJ: A GALS Language for System Level Design. COMLAN, 36(4):317-344, December 2010.
- P. Fradet, S. Hong Tuan Ha. Aspects of Availability - Enforcing timed properties to prevent denial of service. Science of Computer Programming, 75(7):516-542, July 2010.
- A. Girault, E. Rutten. Automating the Addition of Fault Tolerance with Discrete Controller Synthesis. Formal Methods in System Design, 2010.
International Conferences
- G. Gössler, D. Le Métayer, J.-B. Raclet. Causality Analysis in Contract Violation. In Runtime Verification, RV'10, LNCS, Volume 6418, Pages 270-284, 2010.
- Bertrand Jeannet. Some Experience on the Software Engineering of Abstract Interpretation Tools. In Int. Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program AnalysiS, TAPAS'2010, ENTCS, Volume 267, Pages 29-42, 2010.
- Peter Schrammel, Bertrand Jeannet. Extending Abstract Acceleration to Data-Flow Programs with Numerical Inputs. In Int. Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains, ENTCS, Volume 267, Pages 101-114, 2010.
- Peter Schrammel, Bertrand Jeannet. Extending Abstract Acceleration to Data-Flow Programs with Numerical Inputs. In Int. Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains, NSAD'2010, ENTCS, Volume 267, Pages 101-114, 2010.
- Pascal Sotin, Bertrand Jeannet, Xavier Rival. Concrete Memory Models for Shape Analysis. In Int. Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains, NSAD'2010, ENTCS, Volume 267, Pages 139-150, 2010.
- No\"el De Palma, Gwena\"el Delaval, \'Eric Rutten. QoS and Energy Management Coordination using Discrete Controller Synthesis. In 1st International Workshop on Green Computing Middleware (GCM'2010), Bangalore, India, November 2010.
- A. Benoit, F. Dufossé, A. Girault, Y. Robert. Reliability and Performance Optimization of Pipelined Real-Time Systems. In International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP'10, San Diego (CA), USA, September 2010.
- E. Dumitrescu, A. Girault, H. Marchand, E. Rutten. Multicriteria Optimal Reconfiguration of Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Tasks. In Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES'10, Berlin, Germany, September 2010.
- D.N. Xu, G. Gössler, A. Girault. Probabilistic Contracts for Component-based Design. In International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA'10, A. Bouajjani, W.-N. Chin (eds.), LNCS, Volume 6252, Pages 325-340, Singapore, September 2010.
- S. Andalam, P.S. Roop, A. Girault. Predictable Multithreading of Embedded Applications Using PRET-C. In International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign, MEMOCODE'10, Grenoble, France, July 2010.
- P. Fradet, J-L. Giavitto, M. Hoff. Refinement of Chemical Programs using Strategies. In International Workshop on Strategies in Rewriting, Proving, and Programming, IWS'2010, July 2010. download
- S. Andalam, P.S. Roop, A. Girault. Deterministic, Predictable and Light-Weight Multithreading Using PRET-C. In Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, DATE'10, Dresden, Germany, April 2010.
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