Matrix manipulations
- Function: satmat_t* satmat_transpose (const satmat_t* org, int nbcols)
- Return the transposed matrix of org. nbcols is the number
of bits to be transposed for each row of org (and is the
number of rows of the result).
- Function: void satmat_exch_rows (satmat_t* sat, int l1, int l2)
- Exchanges rows l1 and l2 of the saturation matrix.
- Function: void satmat_sort_rows (satmat_t* sat)
- Sorts the rows of the saturation matrix (lexicographic order).
- Function: int satmat_index_in_sorted_rows (bitstring_t* satline, satmat_t* sat)
- Does satline correspond to a row of sat ? If it is the
case, return the index of satline in sat, otherwise return
. The size of satline and sat is supposed to be
the same, with the convention that unused bits of sat are
supposed to be zero.
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on October, 27 2006
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