A | |
atom [Bddvar.Expr] |
B | |
binop [Arith.Tree] | |
bnode [Bddoutput] |
BDD node
C | |
cond [Formula] | |
cond [CondDD] | |
conjunction [Bddvar.Expr] |
D | |
db [Bddoutput] |
ddexpr [CondDD] | |
disjunction [Bddvar.Expr] |
E | |
expr [Formula] | |
expr [Arith.Tree] | |
expr [Arith.Poly] | |
expr [Arith.Lin] | |
expr [Arith] | |
expr [Bddvar] |
I | |
info [Bddvar] |
Information associated to each variable
inode [Bddoutput] |
IDD node
L | |
label [Bddenum] |
A label is just a name
leaf [Formula] | |
M | |
monomial [Arith.Poly] | |
T | |
t [Formula.Arith] | |
t [Formula.Benum] | |
t [Formula.Bint] | |
t [Formula.Bool] | |
t [ArithDD] | |
t [Arith.Condition] | |
t [Bddenum] | |
t [Var] | |
t [Bddint] |
type of an enumerated variable
t [Bddreg.Minterm] |
Type of a minterm: an array of Booleans extend with undefined value,
indexed by variable indices.
t [Bddreg] |
type of arrays of bits
term [Arith.Poly] | |
term [Arith.Lin] | |
term [Bddvar.Expr] |
Basic term
typ [Formula] | |
typ [CondDD] | |
typ [Arith.Condition] | |
typ [Arith] | |
typ [Bddvar] |
typ [Bddenum] |
A type is just a name
typdef [Formula] | |
typdef [CondDD] | |
typdef [Bddvar] |
Type defintion
typdef [Bddenum] |
An enumerated type is defined by its (ordered) set of labels
V | |
varexp [Arith.Poly] |