type typ = [ `Int | `Real ]
class type ['a] db =
object constraint 'a = [> Arith.typ ] method typ_of_var : Var.t -> 'a end
module Lin :
type term = Mpqf.t * Var.t
type expr = { cst : Mpqf.t; lterm : Arith.Lin.term list; }
val normalize : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val compare_lterm : Arith.Lin.term list -> Arith.Lin.term list -> int
val compare : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr -> int
val var : Var.t -> Arith.Lin.expr
val cst : Mpqf.t -> Arith.Lin.expr
val add : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val sub : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val scale : Mpqf.t -> Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val negate : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val support : Arith.Lin.expr -> Var.Set.t
val rename : Arith.Lin.expr -> Var.t Var.Map.t -> Arith.Lin.expr
val normalize_as_constraint : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val print : Format.formatter -> Arith.Lin.expr -> unit
module Poly :
type varexp = Var.t * int
type monomial = Arith.Poly.varexp list
type term = Mpqf.t * Arith.Poly.monomial
type expr = Arith.Poly.term list
val compare_varexp : Arith.Poly.varexp -> Arith.Poly.varexp -> int
val compare_monomial :
Arith.Poly.monomial -> Arith.Poly.monomial -> int
val normalize_monomial : Arith.Poly.monomial -> Arith.Poly.monomial
val normalize : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val normalize_full : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val compare : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr -> int
val cst : Mpqf.t -> Arith.Poly.expr
val var : Var.t -> Arith.Poly.expr
val add : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val sub : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val scale :
Mpqf.t * Arith.Poly.monomial -> Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val mul : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val div : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val negate : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val support : Arith.Poly.expr -> Var.Set.t
val rename : Arith.Poly.expr -> Var.t Var.Map.t -> Arith.Poly.expr
val normalize_as_constraint : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val print : Format.formatter -> Arith.Poly.expr -> unit
module Tree :
type binop = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Mod
type expr =
Cst of Mpqf.t
| Ref of Var.t
| Binop of Arith.Tree.binop * Arith.Tree.expr * Arith.Tree.expr
| Other of Var.t * Arith.Tree.expr list
val support : Arith.Tree.expr -> Var.Set.t
val rename : Arith.Tree.expr -> Var.t Var.Map.t -> Arith.Tree.expr
val print : Format.formatter -> Arith.Tree.expr -> unit
val lin_of_poly : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val lin_of_tree : Arith.Tree.expr -> Arith.Lin.expr
val poly_of_tree : Arith.Tree.expr -> Arith.Poly.expr
val tree_of_lin : Arith.Lin.expr -> Arith.Tree.expr
val tree_of_poly : Arith.Poly.expr -> Arith.Tree.expr
type expr =
Lin of Arith.Lin.expr
| Poly of Arith.Poly.expr
| Tree of Arith.Tree.expr
val var : [> Arith.typ ] #Arith.db -> Var.t -> Arith.expr
val cst : Mpqf.t -> Arith.expr
val add : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val sub : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val mul : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val div : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val gmod : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val other : Var.t -> Arith.expr list -> Arith.expr
val negate : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val support : Arith.expr -> Var.Set.t
val rename : Arith.expr -> Var.t Var.Map.t -> Arith.expr
val normalize : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val equal : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> bool
val hash : Arith.expr -> int
val compare : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr -> int
val normalize_as_constraint : Arith.expr -> Arith.expr
val is_dependent_on_integer_only :
[> Arith.typ ] #Arith.db -> Arith.expr -> bool
val typ_of_expr :
[> Arith.typ ] #Arith.db -> Arith.expr -> [ `Int | `Real ]
val print : Format.formatter -> Arith.expr -> unit
val print_typ : Format.formatter -> [> Arith.typ ] -> unit
module Condition :
type typ = EQ | SUPEQ | SUP | NEQ
type t = Arith.Condition.typ * Arith.expr
val make :
< typ_of_var : Var.t -> [> `Int | `Real ]; .. > ->
Arith.Condition.typ ->
Arith.expr -> [ `Arith of Arith.Condition.t | `Bool of bool ]
val negate :
< typ_of_var : Var.t -> [> `Int | `Real ]; .. > ->
Arith.Condition.t -> Arith.Condition.t
val support : Arith.Condition.t -> Var.Set.t
val print : Format.formatter -> Arith.Condition.t -> unit
val compare : Arith.Condition.t -> Arith.Condition.t -> int