module Add :
type leaf = Arith.expr
type t
type id_unop
type id_binop
type id_combinop
type mtbdd = Leaf of leaf | Ite of int * t * t
val leafbackground : leaf
module Hash :
type key = leaf
type 'a t
val create : int -> 'a t
val clear : 'a t -> unit
val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val remove : 'a t -> key -> unit
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a
val find_all : 'a t -> key -> 'a list
val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
val length : 'a t -> int
val hasht : int Hash.t
module Assoc :
type key = int
type +'a t
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a
val remove : key -> 'a t -> 'a t
val mem : key -> 'a t -> bool
val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val mapi : (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
val assoct : leaf Assoc.t ref
val leaf_of_id : int -> leaf
val id_of_leaf : leaf -> int
val remove_leaf : leaf -> unit
val iter_leaf : (int -> leaf -> unit) -> unit
external to_idd : t -> Idd.t = "%identity"
external of_idd : Idd.t -> t = "%identity"
external manager : t -> Manager.t = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_manager"
external is_cst : t -> bool = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_is_cst"
external topvar : t -> int = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_topvar"
external dthen : t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_dthen"
external delse : t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_delse"
external cofactors : int -> t -> t * t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_cofactors"
external cofactor : t -> Bdd.t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_cofactor"
val dval : t -> leaf
val inspect : t -> mtbdd
external support : t -> Bdd.t = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_support"
external supportsize : t -> int = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_supportsize"
external is_var_in : int -> t -> bool = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_is_var_in"
external vectorsupport : t array -> Bdd.t
= "camlidl_cudd_bdd_vectorsupport"
external vectorsupport2 : Bdd.t array -> t array -> Bdd.t
= "camlidl_cudd_rdd_vectorsupport2"
val cst : Manager.t -> leaf -> t
external ite : Bdd.t -> t -> t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_ite"
external compose : int -> Bdd.t -> t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_compose"
external vectorcompose : Bdd.t array -> t -> t
= "camlidl_cudd_rdd_vectorcompose"
external is_equal : t -> t -> bool = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_is_equal"
external is_equal_when : t -> t -> Bdd.t -> bool
= "camlidl_cudd_bdd_is_equal_when"
val is_eval_cst : t -> Bdd.t -> leaf option
val is_ite_cst : Bdd.t -> t -> t -> leaf option
external size : t -> int = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_size"
external nbpaths : t -> float = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_nbpaths"
external nbnonzeropaths : t -> float
= "camlidl_cudd_rdd_nbnonzeropaths"
external nbminterms : int -> t -> float = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_nbminterms"
external density : int -> t -> float = "camlidl_cudd_bdd_density"
external nbleaves : t -> int = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_nbleaves"
external varmap : t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_varmap"
external permute : int array -> t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_permute"
external iter_node : (t -> unit) -> t -> unit
= "camlidl_cudd_iter_node"
val iter_cube : (Manager.tbool array -> leaf -> unit) -> t -> unit
external guard_of_node : t -> t -> Bdd.t
= "camlidl_cudd_rdd_guard_of_node"
external guard_of_nonbackground : t -> Bdd.t
= "camlidl_cudd_rdd_guard_of_nonbackground"
external nodes_below_level : t -> int option -> t array
= "camlidl_cudd_rdd_nodes_below_level"
val leaves : t -> leaf array
val guard_of_leaf : t -> leaf -> Bdd.t
val guardleafs : t -> (Bdd.t * leaf) array
external constrain : t -> Bdd.t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_constrain"
external tdconstrain : t -> Bdd.t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_tdconstrain"
external restrict : t -> Bdd.t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_restrict"
external tdrestrict : t -> Bdd.t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_tdrestrict"
external to_bdd : t -> Bdd.t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_to_bdd"
val alloc_unop : (leaf -> leaf) -> id_unop
val alloc_binop : (leaf -> leaf -> leaf) -> id_binop
val alloc_combinop : (leaf -> leaf -> leaf) -> id_combinop
external apply_unop : id_unop -> t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_idd_apply_unop"
external apply_binop : id_binop -> t -> t -> t
= "camlidl_cudd_idd_apply_binop"
external apply_combinop : id_combinop -> t -> t -> t
= "camlidl_cudd_idd_apply_combinop"
external transfer : t -> Manager.t -> t = "camlidl_cudd_rdd_transfer"
external _print : t -> unit = "camlidl_cudd_print"
val print__minterm : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print_minterm :
(int -> string) -> (leaf -> string) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val print :
(int -> string) -> (leaf -> string) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type t = (Arith.expr, ArithDD.Add.t) CondDD.ddexpr
val of_expr : [> `Arith of ArithDD.t ] -> ArithDD.t
val to_expr : ArithDD.t -> [> `Arith of ArithDD.t ]
val to_add : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.Add.t
val var : #CondDD.db -> Var.t -> ArithDD.t
val cst : Mpqf.t -> ArithDD.t
val add : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val mul : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val sub : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val div : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val gmod : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val other : #CondDD.db -> Var.t -> ArithDD.t list -> ArithDD.t
val negate : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val ite : #CondDD.db -> Bdd.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t -> ArithDD.t
val condition : #CondDD.db -> Arith.Condition.typ -> ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t
val supeq : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t
val sup : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t
val eq : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t
val cofactor : ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t -> ArithDD.t
val tdrestrict : ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t -> ArithDD.t
val support_cond : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> Bdd.t
val support_leaf : #CondDD.db -> ArithDD.t -> Var.Set.t
val substitute_expr :
#CondDD.db ->
Arith.expr -> [> `Arith of ArithDD.t ] Var.Map.t -> ArithDD.t
val substitute_cond :
#CondDD.db ->
Arith.Condition.t -> [> `Arith of ArithDD.t ] Var.Map.t -> Bdd.t
val print : #CondDD.db -> Format.formatter -> ArithDD.t -> unit