Index of types

add [Cudd.Add]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
aggregation [Cudd.Man]
Type of aggregation methods.

bdd [Cudd.Bdd]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t

capsule [Cudd.Mtbddc]
common [Cudd.User]
Common information to all operations
common [Cudd.Custom]
Common information
compare [Cudd.PWeakke]
compare [Cudd.Weakke]

d [Cudd.Man]
Indicates that a CUDD manager manipulates standard ADDs with leaves of type C double
data [Cudd.Weakke.S]
The type of the elements stored in the table.
dt [Cudd.Bdd]
dt [Cudd.Man]

error [Cudd.Man]
Type of error when CUDD raises an exception.
exist [Cudd.Add]
exist [Cudd.User]
exist [Cudd.Custom]
Existential quantification
existand [Cudd.Add]
existand [Cudd.User]
existand [Cudd.Custom]
Existential quantification combined with intersection
existandop1 [Cudd.Add]
existandop1 [Cudd.User]
existandop1 [Cudd.Custom]
Existential quantification combined with intersection
existop1 [Cudd.Add]
existop1 [Cudd.User]
existop1 [Cudd.Custom]
Existop1ential quantification

hashtbl [Cudd.Weakke]

lazygroup [Cudd.Man]
Group type for lazy sifting.

memo_discr [Cudd.Memo]
mlvalue [Cudd.Custom]
mtbdd [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
mtbdd [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
mtr [Cudd.Man]
Is variable order inside group fixed or not ?

op1 [Cudd.Add]
op1 [Cudd.User]
op1 [Cudd.Custom]
Unary operation
op2 [Cudd.Add]
op2 [Cudd.User]
op2 [Cudd.Custom]
Binary operation
op3 [Cudd.Add]
op3 [Cudd.User]
op3 [Cudd.Custom]
Ternary operation
opG [Cudd.Add]
opG [Cudd.User]
N-ary general operation
opG [Cudd.Custom]
N-ary general operation
opN [Cudd.Add]
opN [Cudd.User]
N-ary operation
opN [Cudd.Custom]
N-ary operation

pid [Cudd.User]
Identifiers of closures used in shared memoization tables
pid [Cudd.Custom]

reorder [Cudd.Man]
Reordering method.

t [Cudd.Add]
Abstract type for ADDs (that are necessarily attached to a manager of type Man.d Man.t).
t [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Type of MTBDDs.
t [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Type of MTBDDs.
t [Cudd.PWeakke]
t [Cudd.Weakke.S]
The type of tables that contain elements of type data.
t [Cudd.Weakke]
t [Cudd.Vdd]
Type of VDDs (that are necessarily attached to a manager of type Man.v Man.t).
t [Cudd.Bdd]
Abstract type for BDDs.
t [Cudd.Man]
Type of CUDD managers, where 'a is either d or v
t [Cudd.Memo]
Type of memoization table
t [Cudd.Cache]
Abstract type for local caches
t [Cudd.Hash]
Abstract type for user hashtables
table [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Hashtable to manage unique constants
table [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Hashtable to manage unique constants
tbool [Cudd.Man]
test2 [Cudd.Add]
test2 [Cudd.User]
test2 [Cudd.Custom]
Binary test

unique [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Type of unique representants of MTBDD leaves of type 'a.
unique [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Type of unique representants of MTBDD leaves of type 'a.

v [Cudd.Man]
Indicates that a CUDD manager manipulates ``custom'' ADDs with leaves of type an OCaml value, see modules Cudd.Mtbdd and Cudd.Mtbddc.
vartype [Cudd.Man]
Variable type.
vdd [Cudd.Vdd]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
vt [Cudd.Bdd]
vt [Cudd.Man]