9h30-9h40: Welcome and openning.
9h40-10h30: Hybrid synchronous languages (invited talk), Vijay Saraswat: paper.
10h30-11h00: Morning coffee break.
11h00-11h30: From discrete duration calculus to symbolic automata, L. Gonnord, N. Halbwachs, and P. Raymond: paper and slides.
11h30-12h00: Syntax-driven behavior partitioning for model-checking of Esterel programs, E. Vecchié and R. de Simone: paper and slides.
12h00-12h30: Synchronous dataflow pattern-matching, G. Hamon: paper and slides.
12h30-13h00: Discussion.
13h00-14h00: Lunch.
14h00-14h30: Goto and concurrency: Introducing safe jumps in Esterel, O. Tardieu: paper.
14h30-15h00: A verified compiler for synchronous programs with local declarations, K. Schneider, J. Brandt, and T. Schüle: paper.
15h00-15h30: Discussion.
15h30-16h00: Afternoon coffee break.
16h00-16h30: synERJY - an object-oriented synchronous language, R. Budde, A. Poigné, and K.-H. Sylla: paper and slides.
16h30-17h00: Compiling Esterel into static discrete-event code, S. Edwards, V. Kapadia, and M. Halas: paper and slides.
17h00-17h30: Discussion.