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2. Functions

2.1 ADD ITE Functions

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addIte (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* g, DdNode* h)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addIteConstant (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* g, DdNode* h)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addEvalConst (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* g)
Same as Cudd_addIte, Cudd_addIteConstant and Cudd_addEvalConst, but here f is a BDD node instead of a 0-1 ADD node. g and h are ADDs.

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addBddAnd (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* g)
Same as Cuddaux_addIte(dd,f,g,Cudd_ReadBackground(dd)): selects in g the valuations that satisfies f and makes the other valuations lead to the background node.

2.2 Bridge Function for ADDs

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addTransfer (DdManager* ddS, DdManager* ddD, DdNode* f)
Cudd_bddTransfer-like function for ADDs.

2.3 Generelized Cofactor functions

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_bddRestrict (DdManager * dd, DdNode * f, DdNode * c)
Same as Cudd_bddRestrict, but the real result is returned instead of the smallest (in term of BDD nodes) among the result and the argument.
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addRestrict (DdManager * dd, DdNode * f, DdNode * c)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addConstrain (DdManager * dd, DdNode * f, DdNode * c)
Same as Cudd_addRestrict and Cudd_addConstrain, but here c is a BDD node instead of a 0-1 ADD node.

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_bddTDRestrict (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* c)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_bddTDConstrain (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* c)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addTDRestrict (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* c)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addTDConstrain (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* c)
Top-Down Restrict and Constrain operations from P. Raymond. Good but expensive. For BDD versions, f and c are BDD nodes, for ADD versions, f is a ADD node and c a BDD node.
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_bddTDSimplify (DdManager* dd, DdNode* inf, DdNode* sup)
Given two BDDs inf and sup such that inf=>sup, compute the smallest BDD in the interval. Core of the BDD version of the previous generalized cofactor operations.
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addTDSimplify (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f)
Given an ADD f with background value, return a small ADD r without background value that coincides with f outside the background value. In other words, for any valuation v, either f(v)=background and r(v) is equal to a non background leaf of f, either f(v)=r(v). Core of the ADD version of the previous generalized cofactor operations.

2.4 Composition functions for ADDs

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addCompose (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* g, int v)
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addVectorCompose (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode** vector)
Same as Cudd_addCompose and Cudd_addVectorCompose, but the substitution function (resp. the vector of substitution functions) is a BDD (resp. an array of BDDs) instead of a 0-1 ADD.

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addVarMap (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f)
The equivalent for ADDs of the function Cudd_bddVarMap.
Function: int Cuddaux_SetVarMap (DdManager* dd, int* array)
Offers the same functionality than Cudd_SetVarMap, but with a different interface, which match the interface for the permutation functions. The array array gives for each variable of index i present in the manager dd the index of the variable to be substituted to i.

2.5 Miscellaneous functions

These functions offers functionality not directly present in CUDD.

Function: int Cuddaux_IsVarIn (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* var)
f is a BDD or an ADD and var is a BDD or ADD projection function. Returns 1 whenever var occurs in f, 0 otherwise. Using this function is more efficient than computing the support and test inclusion of the variable in it. No new node is created.

Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_bddCubeUnion (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* g)
f and g are BDD cubes. The function returns the smallest cube which is implied both by f and by g. It is functionally equivalent to Cudd_FindEssential(dd,Cudd_bddOr(dd,f,g)).

Datatype: list_t
typedef struct list_t {
  struct list_t* next;
  DdNode* node;
} list_t;

Function: list_t* Cuddaux_NodesBelowLevel (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, int level)
f is a ADD or a BDD and level a variable level. The functions collects in the result all the (regular) nodes pointed by f, indexed by a variable of level greater or equal than level, and encountered first in the top-down exploration (i.e., whenever a node is collected, its sons are not collected). This function allows for instance to collect efficently all the terminal nodes of an ADD f. The result of type list_t* is allocated by the function. The nodes in the list are not referenced. No new node is created. Returns NULL if not successfull.
Function: void list_free (list_t* l)
Frees the memory occupied by the list l.
Function: DdNode* Cuddaux_addGuardOfNode (DdManager* dd, DdNode* f, DdNode* h)
f and h are ADDs. Returns a BDD equal to the sum of the paths that leads from the root node f to the node h in the ADD f. If h is not in the graph of f, the logical false node is returned. Can be used for instance to compute the guard of a terminal node h in an ADD f.

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