Publications of Simplice DjokoDjoko
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Academic Journals
- Simplice Djoko Djoko, Ré Douence, Pascal Fradet. Aspects Preserving Properties. Science of Computer Programming, 77(3):393-422, March 2012. download
International Conferences
- S. Djoko Djoko, R. Douence, P. Fradet. Specialized Aspect Languages Preserving Classes of Properties. In Proc. of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'08), Pages 227-236, November 2008.
- S. Djoko Djoko, R. Douence, P. Fradet. Aspects Preserving Properties. In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM'08), Pages 135-145, January 2008.
- Rémi Douence, Simplice Djoko Djoko, Pascal Fradet, Didier Le Botlan. Towards a Common Aspect Semantic Base (CASB). August 2006.
- Rémi Douence, Simplice Djoko Djoko, Pascal Fradet, Didier Le Botlan, Tom Staijen. Towards a Common Aspect Semantic Base (CASB). October 2005.
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