Academic Journals


  1. Avinash Malik, Alain Girault, Zoran Salcic. Formal Semantics, Compilation and Execution of the GALS Programming Language DSystemJ. IEEE Trans.\ Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012. details
  2. Simplice Djoko Djoko, Ré Douence, Pascal Fradet. Aspects Preserving Properties. Science of Computer Programming, 77(3):393-422, March 2012. details download


  1. Amine Belhaj Seboui, Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane, Gwena\"e Delaval, É Rutten, Mohamed Moez Yeddes. An approach for the synthesis of decentralised supervisors for distributed adaptive systems. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 2(3):246-265, 2011. details
  2. Gregor Gössler. Component-Based Modeling and Reachability Analysis of Genetic Networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform, 8(3):672-682, 2011. details
  3. Peter Schrammel, Bertrand Jeannet. Applying Abstract Acceleration to (Co-)Reachability Analysis of Reactive Programs. Journal of Symbolic Computation - Special issue on WING2010, 2011. details


  1. G. Batt, M. Page, I. Cantone, G. Gössler, P.T. Monteiro, H. de Jong. Efficient parameter search for qualitative models of regulatory networks using symbolic model checking. Bioinformatics, 26(18), 2010. details
  2. X. Briand, B. Jeannet. Combining control and data abstraction in the verification of hybrid systems. Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 29(10), 2010. details
  3. B. Jeannet, A. Loginov, T. Reps, M. Sagiv. A relational approach to interprocedural shape analysis. ACM Trans. On Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 32(2), 2010. details download
  4. A. Malik, Z. Salcic, P.S. Roop, A. Girault. SystemJ: A GALS Language for System Level Design. COMLAN, 36(4):317-344, December 2010. details
  5. P. Fradet, S. Hong Tuan Ha. Aspects of Availability - Enforcing timed properties to prevent denial of service. Science of Computer Programming, 75(7):516-542, July 2010. details
  6. A. Girault, E. Rutten. Automating the Addition of Fault Tolerance with Discrete Controller Synthesis. Formal Methods in System Design, 2010. details


  1. A. Girault, H. Kalla. A Novel Bicriteria Scheduling Heuristics Providing a Guaranteed Global System Failure Rate. IEEE Trans.\ Dependable Secure Comput, 2009. details download
  2. A. Girault, E. Saule, D. Trystram. Reliability Versus Performance for Critical Applications. J.\ of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2009. details
  3. A. Girault, E. Saule, D. Trystram. Reliability Versus Performance for Critical Applications. J.\ of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 69(3):326-336, March 2009. details
  4. A. Girault, H. Kalla. A Novel Bicriteria Scheduling Heuristics Providing a Guaranteed Global System Failure Rate. IEEE Trans.\ Dependable Secure Comput, 2009. details


  1. A. Girault, H. Kalla. Bicriteria Multi-Processor Static Scheduling. ERCIM News, 75:46-47, October 2008. details download
  2. A. Gamatié, E. Rutten, H. Yu, P. Boulet, J.-L. Dekeyser. Synchronous Modeling and Analysis of Data Intensive Applications. Journal on Embedded Systems, 2008:0-22, September 2008. details download
  3. T. Ayav, P. Fradet, A. Girault. Implementing fault-tolerance in real-time programs by automatic program transformations. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 7(4):1-43, July 2008. details


  1. Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Programming Self-Organizing Systems with the Higher-Order Chemical Language. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 3(3):161-177, 2007. details
  2. Gwenaël Delaval, Éric Rutten. A Domain-Specific Language for Multitask Systems, Applying Discrete Controller Synthesis. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2007:0-17, 2007. details download
  3. Rémi Douence, Pascal Fradet. The next 700 Krivine Machines. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 20(3), 2007. details


  1. T. Legall, B. Jeannet, H. Marchand. Contrôle de systèmes symboliques, discrets ou hybrides. Technique et Science Informatiques, 25(3), 2006. details
  2. Olivier Michel, Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Jean-Louis Giavitto. Challenging Questions for the Rationale of Non-Classical Programming Languages. International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 2(4):337-347, 2006. details
  3. Ouassila Labbani, Éric Rutten, Jean-Luc Dekeyser. Safe Design Methodology for an Intelligent Cruise Control System with GPS. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter, 8(4):16-23, December 2006. details
  4. A. Girault. System-Level Design of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems. ERCIM News, Special Theme: Embedded Intelligence, 67:25-26, October 2006. details download
  5. Pascal Fradet, Stéphane Hong Tuan Ha. Systèmes de gestion de ressources et aspects de disponibilité. L'Objet - Logiciel, bases de données, réseaux, 12(2):183-210, September 2006. details
  6. Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Generalised multisets for chemical programming. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 16(4):557-580, August 2006. details
  7. A. Girault, X. Nicollin, M. Pouzet. Automatic Rate Desynchronization of Embedded Reactive Programs. ACM Trans.\ Embedd.\ Comput.\ Syst, 5(3):687-717, August 2006. details
  8. Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Chemical Programming of Self-Organizing Systems. ERCIM News, Special Theme: Emergent Computing, 64, January 2006. details download


  1. D. Simon, F. Benattar. Design of real-time periodic control systems through synchronisation and fixed priorities. Int. Journal of Systems Science, 36(2):57-76, 2005. details
  2. G. Gössler, J. Sifakis. Composition for Component-based Modeling. Science of Computer Programming, 55(1):161-183, March 2005. details


  1. A. Girault. Design of an Hybrid Controller for Autonomous Vehicles Driving on Automated Highways. TRC, 12(6):421-452, December 2004. details
  2. A. Girault, H. Kalla, Y. Sorel. A Scheduling Heuristics for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems Tolerant to Processor and Communication Media Failures. IJPR, 42(14):2877-2898, July 2004. details


  1. B. Jeannet. Dynamic Partitioning In Linear Relation Analysis. Application To The Verification Of Reactive Systems. Formal Methods in System Design, 23(1):5-37, July 2003. details

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