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T. Ayav, P. Fradet, A. Girault. Implementing Fault-Tolerance in Real-Time Systems by Program Transformations. In Proceedings of the Sixth ACM & IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT'06, Pages 205-214, 2006.


We present a formal approach to implement and certify fault-tolerance in real-time embedded systems. The fault-intolerant initial system consists of a set of independent periodic tasks scheduled onto a set of fail-silent processors. We transform the tasks such that, assuming the availability of an additional spare processor, the system tolerates one failure at a time (transient or permanent). Failure detection is implemented using heartbeating, and failure masking using checkpointing and roll-back. These techniques are described and implemented by automatic program transformations on the tasks' programs. The proposed formal approach to fault-tolerance by program transformation highlights the benefits of separation of concerns and allows us to establish correctness properties


Pascal Fradet http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/fradet/
Alain Girault http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/girault/

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Ayav, T. and Fradet, P. and Girault, A.},
   Title = {Implementing Fault-Tolerance in Real-Time Systems by Program Transformations},
   BookTitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth ACM & IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT'06},
   Pages = {205--214},
   Year = {2006}

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