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Unconventional Programming Paradigms. Jean-Pierre Banātre, Pascal Fradet, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Olivier Michel (eds.), Springer-Verlag, LNCS, Vol. 3566, Revised Selected and Invited Papers of the International Workshop UPP 2004, Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France, 2005.


Unconventional approaches of programming have long been developed in various niches and constitute a reservoir of alternative avenues to face the programming languages crisis. New models of programming (e.g. bio-inspired computing, artificial chemistry, amorphous computing, \ldots) are also currently experiencing a renewed period of growth to face specific needs and new application domains. These approaches provide new abstractions and notations or develop new ways of interacting with programs. They are implemented by embedding new sophisticated data structures in a classical programming model (API), by extending an existing language with new constructs (to handle concurrency, exceptions, open environment, ...), by conceiving new software life cycles and program execution (aspect weaving, run-time compilation) or by relying on an entire new paradigm to specify a computation. They are inspired by theoretical considerations (e.g. topological, algebraic or logical foundations), driven by the domain at hand (domain specific languages like postscript, musical notation, animation, signal processing, etc.) or by metaphors taken from various area (quantum computing, computing with molecules, information processing in biological tissues, problem solving from nature, ethological and social modeling). The practical applications of these new programming paradigms and languages prompt researches into the expressivity, semantics and implementation of programming languages and systems architectures, as well as into the algorithmic complexity and optimization of programs. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together researchers from the various communities working on wild and crazy ideas in programming languages to present their results, to foster fertilization between theory and practice, as well as to favor the dissemination and growth of new programming paradigms. The contributions are split up into five tracks: Chemical Computing, Amorphous Computing, Bio-inspired Computing, Autonomic Computing, and Generative Programming


[ Chemical computing ] [ Amorphous computing ] [ Bio-inspired computing ] [ Autonomic computing ] [ Generative computing ] [ Quantum computing ]

BibTex Reference

   Title = {Unconventional Programming Paradigms},
   editor = {Banātre, Jean-Pierre and Fradet, Pascal and Giavitto, Jean-Louis and Michel, Olivier},
   Publisher = {Springer-Verlag, LNCS, Vol. 3566},
   Address = {Revised Selected and Invited Papers of the International Workshop UPP 2004, Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France},
   Year = {2005}

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