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D. Simon, R. Pissard-Gibollet, S. Arias. Orccad, a framework for safe robot control design and implementation. In 1st National Workshop on Control Architectures of Robots: software approaches and issues CAR'06, Montpellier, 2006.


Daniel Simon http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/simon/welcome.html

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Simon, D. and Pissard-Gibollet, R. and Arias, S.},
   Title = {{Orccad}, a framework for safe robot control design and implementation},
   BookTitle = {1st National Workshop on Control Architectures of Robots: software approaches and issues CAR'06},
   Address = {Montpellier},
   Month = {},
   Year = {2006}

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