Ouassila Labbani, Jean-Luc Dekeyser, Pierre Boulet, Eric Rutten. UML2 profile for modelling controlled data parallel applications. In Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems, Sorin A. Huss (ed.), Springer Verlag, September 2007.
ISBN: 978-1-4020-6147-9
Eric Rutten http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/rutten/
Author = {Labbani, Ouassila and Dekeyser, Jean-Luc and Boulet, Pierre and Rutten, Eric},
Title = {UML2 profile for modelling controlled data parallel applications},
BookTitle = {Advances in Design and Specification Languages for Embedded Systems},
editor = {Huss, Sorin A.},
Publisher = {Springer Verlag},
Month = {September},
Year = {2007}
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