V. Rusu, H. Marchand, V. Tschaen, T. Jéron, B. Jeannet. From Safety Verification to Safety Testing. In International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, TestCom'04, LNCS, Volume 2978, Oxford (UK), March 2004.
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A methodology that combines verification and conformance testing for validating safety requirements of reactive systems is presented. The requirements are first automatically verified on the systems specification. Then, test cases are automatically derived from the specification and the requirements, and executed on a black-box implementation of the system. The test cases attempt to push the implementation into violating a requirement. We show that an implementation conforms to its specification if and only if it passes all the test cases generated in this way
Bertrand Jeannet http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/bjeannet/
Author = {Rusu, V. and Marchand, H. and Tschaen, V. and Jéron, T. and Jeannet, B.},
Title = {From Safety Verification to Safety Testing},
BookTitle = {International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, TestCom'04},
Volume = { 2978},
Series = {LNCS},
Address = {Oxford (UK)},
Month = {March},
Year = {2004}
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