A. Girault, H. Kalla, Y. Sorel. Transient Processor/Bus Fault Tolerance for Embedded Systems. In IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, DIPES'06, Pages 135-144, Braga, Portugal, October 2006.
Alain Girault http://pop-art.inrialpes.fr/people/girault/
Author = {Girault, A. and Kalla, H. and Sorel, Y.},
Title = {Transient Processor/Bus Fault Tolerance for Embedded Systems},
BookTitle = {IFIP Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, DIPES'06},
Pages = {135--144},
Publisher = {Springer},
Address = {Braga, Portugal},
Month = {October},
Year = {2006}
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