Module Bdd.Decompose

module Decompose: sig .. end

type vdd = bool Cudd.Vdd.t 
val vdd_of_bdd : Cudd.Bdd.vt -> bool Cudd.Vdd.t
val bdd_of_vdd : bool Cudd.Vdd.t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
type typ = 
| Bool
| Cond
| Other
type info = {
   mutable minlevelbool :int;
   mutable maxlevelbool :int;
   mutable minlevelcond :int;
   mutable maxlevelcond :int;
   varlevel :int array;
   levelvar :int array;
   vartyp :typ array;
   leveltyp :typ array;
val make_info : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, 'i) Bdd.Cond.t -> info
Builds a temporary record of type info which gathers various informations on environment and condition.
val split_level : Cudd.Bdd.vt -> int -> (Cudd.Bdd.vt * Cudd.Bdd.vt) list
Decompose a BDD f into a disjunction [(f1,g1);...;(fN,gN)] such that
val splitpermutation_of_envcond : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, 'i) Bdd.Cond.t ->
[ `BoolCond | `CondBool ] -> int * (int array * int array) option
Two cases in (level,operm)=splitpermutation_of_envcond ...:
val split_bdd : ?memo1:Cudd.Memo.t ->
?memo2:Cudd.Memo.t ->
int * (int array * int array) option ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> (Cudd.Bdd.vt * Cudd.Bdd.vt) list
val cube_split : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Bdd.Cond.t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t * 'd Cudd.Bdd.t
Split a cube into a cube of Booleans and a cube of conditions
val decompose_bdd_boolcond : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, 'i) Bdd.Cond.t ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> (Cudd.Bdd.vt * Cudd.Bdd.vt) list
Decompose a BDD f into a disjunction [(f1,g1);...;(fN,gN)] such that
val decompose_bdd_condbool : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, 'i) Bdd.Cond.t ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> (Cudd.Bdd.vt * Cudd.Bdd.vt) list
Dual version
val decompose_dd_treecondbool : ?careset:'a Cudd.Bdd.t ->
topvar:('b -> int) ->
support:('b -> 'c Cudd.Bdd.t) ->
cofactor:('b -> 'a Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'b) ->
('d, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('i, 'j, 'k, 'a) Bdd.Cond.t -> 'b -> (int, 'b) Bdd.Normalform.tree
Internal use, look at the code. Be cautious: support is supposed to return a support intersected with conditions
val decompose_bdd_treecondbool : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, 'i) Bdd.Cond.t ->
'i Cudd.Bdd.t -> (int, 'i Cudd.Bdd.t) Bdd.Normalform.tree
val decompose_vdd_treecondbool : ?careset:Cudd.Bdd.vt ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, Cudd.Man.v) Bdd.Cond.t ->
'i Cudd.Vdd.t -> (int, 'i Cudd.Vdd.t) Bdd.Normalform.tree
Decompose a BDD/MTBDD into a tree with decisions on conditions, and purely Boolean BDDs on leaves
val decompose_tbdd_tvdd_treecondbool : ?careset:Cudd.Bdd.vt ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.t0 ->
('f, 'g, 'h, Cudd.Man.v) Bdd.Cond.t ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt array * 'i Cudd.Vdd.t array ->
(int, Cudd.Bdd.vt array * 'i Cudd.Vdd.t array) Bdd.Normalform.tree
Same for an array of BDDs/VDDs
val conjunction_of_minterm : ?first:int ->
?last:int ->
(int * bool -> 'a) -> Cudd.Man.tbool array -> 'a Bdd.Normalform.conjunction
conjunction_of_minterm of_idb minterm translates a minterm into an explicit conjunction of type 'a Normalform.conjunction, using the function of_idb to produce elements of type 'a.

The optional arguments first and last allows focusing only on a part of the minterm.

val dnf_of_bdd : ?first:int ->
?last:int -> (int * bool -> 'a) -> 'b Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'a Bdd.Normalform.dnf
Converts a BDD into a disjunctive normal form. The arguments are the same as in Bdd.Decompose.conjunction_of_minterm.
val descend : cudd:'c Cudd.Man.t ->
maxdepth:int ->
nocare:('a -> bool) ->
cube_of_down:('a -> 'c Cudd.Bdd.t) ->
cofactor:('a -> 'c Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'a) ->
select:('a -> int) ->
terminal:(depth:int ->
newcube:'c Cudd.Bdd.t -> cube:'c Cudd.Bdd.t -> down:'a -> 'b option) ->
ite:(depth:int ->
newcube:'c Cudd.Bdd.t ->
cond:int -> dthen:'b option -> delse:'b option -> 'b option) ->
down:'a -> 'b option
val select_cond : 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> int
val select_cond_bdd : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Bdd.Cond.t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> int
val bdd_support_cond : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Bdd.Cond.t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t
val vdd_support_cond : ('a, 'b, 'c, Cudd.Man.v) Bdd.Cond.t -> 'd Cudd.Vdd.t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val tbdd_tvdd_support_cond : ('a, 'b, 'c, Cudd.Man.v) Bdd.Cond.t ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt array * 'd Cudd.Vdd.t array -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val tbdd_tvdd_cofactor : Cudd.Bdd.vt array * 'a Cudd.Vdd.t array ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> Cudd.Bdd.vt array * 'a Cudd.Vdd.t array