Module Bdd.Enum

module Enum: sig .. end


type 'a typ = [ `Benum of 'a ] 
A type is just a name
type 'a typdef = [ `Benum of 'a array ] 
An enumerated type is defined by its (ordered) set of labels

Datatype representing a BDD register of enumerated type

type 'a t = {
   typ :string; (*Type of the value (refers to the database, see below)*)
   reg :'a Bdd.Reg.t; (*Value itself*)
type dt = Cudd.Man.d t 
type vt = Cudd.Man.v t 

Constants and Operation(s)

val of_label : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> 'd t
Create a register of the type of the label containing the label
val is_cst : 'd t -> bool
Does the register contain a constant value ?
val to_code : 'd t -> int
Convert a constant register to its value as a code.
val to_label : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'd t -> 'a
Convert a constant register to its value as a label.
val equal_label : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'd t -> 'a -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t
Under which condition the register is equal to the label ?
val equal : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'd t -> 'd t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t
Under which condition the 2 registers are equal ?
val ite : 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'd t -> 'd t -> 'd t
If-then-else operator. The types of the 2 branches should be the same.

Decomposition in guarded form

val guard_of_label : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'd t -> 'a -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t
Return the guard of the label in the BDD register.
val guardlabels : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'd t -> ('d Cudd.Bdd.t * 'a) list
Return the list g -> label represented by the BDD register.


val cofactor : 'd t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'd t
val restrict : 'd t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'd t
val tdrestrict : 'd t -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'd t


val print : (Format.formatter -> int -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'd t -> unit
print f fmt t prints the register t using the formatter fmt and the function f to print BDDs indices.
val print_minterm : (Format.formatter -> 'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> unit) ->
('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
Format.formatter -> 'd t -> unit
print_minterm f fmt t prints the register t using the formatter fmt and the function f to convert BDDs indices to names.

Internal functions

val size_of_typ : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> int
Return the cardinality of a type (the number of its labels)
val maxcode_of_typ : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> int
Return the maximal integer corresponding to a label belonging to the type. Labels are indeed associated numbers from 0 to this number.
val mem_typcode : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> int -> bool
Does the integer code some label of the given type ?
val labels_of_typ : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> 'a array
Return the array of labels defining the type
val code_of_label : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> int
Return the code associated to the label
val label_of_typcode : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> int -> 'a
Return the label associated to the given code interpreted as of type the given type.
module Minterm: sig .. end
val permute : ?memo:Cudd.Memo.t -> 'a t -> int array -> 'a t
Permutation (scale Cudd.Bdd.permute and Cudd.Bdd.permute_memo)
val varmap : 'a t -> 'a t
Permutation (scale Cudd.Bdd.varmap)
val vectorcompose : ?memo:Cudd.Memo.t -> 'a Cudd.Bdd.t array -> 'a t -> 'a t
Composition (scale Cudd.Bdd.vectorcompose and Cudd.Bdd.vectorcompose_memo)