module Custom: sig
.. end
Custom Operations on VDDs
common = {
Common information
type ('a, 'b)
op1 = {
common1 :common ; |
closure1 :'a -> 'b ; |
Unary operation
type ('a, 'b, 'c)
op2 = {
Binary operation
type ('a, 'b)
test2 = {
common2t :common ; |
closure2t :'a -> 'b -> bool ; |
ospecial2t :('a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t -> bool option) option ; |
symetric :bool ; |
reflexive :bool ; |
Binary test
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd)
op3 = {
Ternary operation
type ('a, 'b)
opN = {
N-ary operation
type ('a, 'b)
opG = {
N-ary general operation
type 'a
exist = {
commonexist :common ; |
combineexist :('a, 'a, 'a) op2 ; |
Existential quantification
type 'a
existand = {
commonexistand :common ; |
combineexistand :('a, 'a, 'a) op2 ; |
bottomexistand :'a ; |
Existential quantification combined with intersection
type ('a, 'b)
existop1 = {
commonexistop1 :common ; |
combineexistop1 :('b, 'b, 'b) op2 ; |
existop1 :('a, 'b) op1 ; |
Existop1ential quantification
type ('a, 'b)
existandop1 = {
commonexistandop1 :common ; |
combineexistandop1 :('b, 'b, 'b) op2 ; |
existandop1 :('a, 'b) op1 ; |
bottomexistandop1 :'b ; |
Existential quantification combined with intersection
val newpid : unit -> pid
val apply_op1 : ('a, 'b) op1 -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t
val apply_op2 : ('a, 'b, 'c) op2 ->
'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'c Cudd.Vdd.t
val apply_test2 : ('a, 'b) test2 -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t -> bool
val apply_op3 : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) op3 ->
'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'c Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'd Cudd.Vdd.t
val apply_opN : ('a, 'b) opN ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt array -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t array -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t
val apply_opG : ('a, 'b) opG ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt array -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t array -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t
val _apply_exist : 'a exist -> Cudd.Bdd.vt -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t
val _apply_existand : 'a existand ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> Cudd.Bdd.vt -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t
val _apply_existop1 : ('a, 'b) existop1 ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t
val _apply_existandop1 : ('a, 'b) existandop1 ->
Cudd.Bdd.vt -> Cudd.Bdd.vt -> 'a Cudd.Vdd.t -> 'b Cudd.Vdd.t