module Minterm: sig
.. end
t = Manager.tbool array
Type of a minterm: an array of Booleans extend with undefined value,
indexed by variable indices.
val is_indet : t -> bool
Is the minterm completely non-determinated ? (ie, contain only
undefined values)
val of_int : int -> int -> t
Convert a possibly negative integer into a minterm of size size
val to_int : signed:bool -> t -> int
Convert a minterm to a (possibly signed) integer. Raise
if the minterm is not deterministic.
val iter : (t -> unit) -> t -> unit
Iterate the function on all determinated minterms represented by the
argument minterm.
val map : (t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list
Apply the function to all determinated minterms represented by the
argument minterm and return the list of the results.