Class type Bddvar.db

class type [[[> typ ], [> typdef ]]] db = object .. end
val mutable v_bddindex : int
val mutable v_bddincr : int
val mutable v_idcondvar : Var.t MappeI.t
Associates to a BDD index the variable involved by it
val mutable v_varinfo : info Var.Map.t
info associated to variables
val mutable v_varset : Bdd.t Var.Map.t
Associates to enumerated variable the (care)set of possibled values.
val mutable v_print_external_idcondb : Format.formatter -> int * bool -> unit
Printing conditions not managed by Bddvar. By default, pp_print_int.
method bddindex : int
method bddincr : int
method idcondvar : Var.t MappeI.t
method varinfo : info Var.Map.t
method varset : Bdd.t Var.Map.t
method print_external_idcondb : Format.formatter -> int * bool -> unit
method set_bddindex : int -> unit
method set_bddincr : int -> unit
method set_idcondvar : Var.t MappeI.t -> unit
method set_varinfo : info Var.Map.t -> unit
method set_varset : Bdd.t Var.Map.t -> unit
method set_print_external_idcondb : (Format.formatter -> int * bool -> unit) -> unit
method var_of_idcond : int -> Var.t
Return the variable associated to the BDD identifier. Raise Not_found if it does not exist
method add_var : Var.t -> ([> typ ] as 'a) -> unit
Add a variable
method print_order : Format.formatter -> unit
Print the BDD variable ordering