Module T1p

module T1p: sig .. end
Taylor1+ abstract domain (beta version)

type t 
Type of Taylor1+ forms.

Each dimension/variable x_i has the affine form: alpha_0 + Sum(alpha_i*eps_i), where eps_i are the noise symbols, and alpha_i their associated coefficients.

Abstract values which are Taylor1+ forms (affine forms) have the type t Apron.AbstractX.t.

Managers allocated for Taylor1+ abstract values have the type t Apron.manager.t.

val manager_alloc : unit -> t Apron.Manager.t
Create a Taylor1+ manager.

Compilation information

Bytecode compilation

To compile to bytecode, you should first generate a custom interpreter with a command which should look like:

ocamlc -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -make-runtime -o myrun bigarray.cma gmp.cma apron.cma t1p.cma

and then you compile and link your example with

ocamlc -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -c and

ocamlc -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -use-runtime myrun -o X bigarray.cma gmp.cma apron.cma t1p.cma X.cmo

Comments: The C libraries related to gmp.cma and apron.cma are automatically looked for (thanks to the auto-linking feature provided by ocamlc). For t1p.cma, the library libt1p.a, identic to libt1pMPQ.a, is selected by default. The -noautolink option should be used to select a differetn version. See the C documentation of t1p library for details.

With the -noautolink option, the generation of the custom runtime executable should be done with

ocamlc -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -noautolink -make-runtime -o myrun bigarray.cma gmp.cma apron.cma t1p.cma -ccopt "-L$GMP_PREFIX/lib ..." -cclib "-lt1p_caml -lt1pMPQ -lapron_caml -lapron -lgmp_caml -lmpfr -lgmp -lbigarray -lcamlidl"

Native-code compilation

You compile and link with

ocamlopt -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -c and

ocamlopt -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -o X bigarray.cmxa gmp.cmxa apron.cmxa t1p.cmxa X.cmx

Comments: Same as for bytecode compilation. With the -noautolink option, the linking command becomes

ocamlopt -I $APRON_PREFIX/lib -o X bigarray.cmxa gmp.cmxa apron.cmxa t1p.cmxa -ccopt "-L$GMP_PREFIX/lib ..." -cclib "-lt1p_caml -lt1pMPQ -lapron_caml -lapron -lgmp_caml -lmpfr -lgmp -lbigarray -lcamlidl" X.cmx