module FixpointType: sig
.. end
Fixpoint analysis of an equation system: types
Public datatypes
The manager parameterizes the fixpoint solver with the
following types:
: type of vertex/variable (identifier) in the hypergraph
describing the equation system;
: type of hyperedge/function (identifier) in the hypergraph
describing the equation system;
: type of abstract values associated to vertices/variables;
: type of information associated to hyperedges/functions;
and values:
- Lattice operations on abstract values; the argument of type
indicates to which vertex the result of the function is
associated (useful when abstract values are typed by an
environment, for instance)
- Functions to initialize variables and to interpret hyperedges/functions;
- Printing functions for type parameters;
- Options, mainly about widening;
- Debugging options, for text (and possibly DOT) output on the formatter
- Printing functions for DOT output on the optional formatter
type ('vertex, 'hedge, 'abstract, 'arc)
manager = {
mutable bottom :'vertex -> 'abstract ; |
mutable canonical :'vertex -> 'abstract -> unit ; |
mutable is_bottom :'vertex -> 'abstract -> bool ; |
mutable is_leq :'vertex -> 'abstract -> 'abstract -> bool ; |
mutable join :'vertex -> 'abstract -> 'abstract -> 'abstract ; |
mutable join_list :'vertex -> 'abstract list -> 'abstract ; |
mutable widening :'vertex -> 'abstract -> 'abstract -> 'abstract ; |
mutable odiff :('vertex -> 'abstract -> 'abstract -> 'abstract) option ; |
mutable abstract_init :'vertex -> 'abstract ; |
mutable arc_init :'hedge -> 'arc ; |
mutable apply :'hedge -> 'abstract array -> 'arc * 'abstract ; |
mutable print_vertex :Format.formatter -> 'vertex -> unit ; |
mutable print_hedge :Format.formatter -> 'hedge -> unit ; |
mutable print_abstract :Format.formatter -> 'abstract -> unit ; |
mutable print_arc :Format.formatter -> 'arc -> unit ; |
mutable accumulate :bool ; |
mutable print_fmt :Format.formatter ; |
mutable print_analysis :bool ; |
mutable print_component :bool ; |
mutable print_step :bool ; |
mutable print_state :bool ; |
mutable print_postpre :bool ; |
mutable print_workingsets :bool ; |
mutable dot_fmt :Format.formatter option ; |
mutable dot_vertex :Format.formatter -> 'vertex -> unit ; |
mutable dot_hedge :Format.formatter -> 'hedge -> unit ; |
mutable dot_attrvertex :Format.formatter -> 'vertex -> unit ; |
mutable dot_attrhedge :Format.formatter -> 'hedge -> unit ; |
Dynamically explored equation system
type ('vertex, 'hedge)
equation = 'vertex -> ('hedge, 'vertex array * 'vertex) PMappe.t
Function that explores dynamically an equation system.
equation vertex
returns a map hat associates to each
successor hyperedge a pair of composed of the set of
predecessor vertices, and the successor vertex.
Iteration strategies
strategy_iteration = {
mutable widening_start :int ; |
mutable widening_descend :int ; |
mutable ascending_nb :int ; |
mutable descending_nb :int ; |
mutable descending_stable :bool ; |
Widening and Descending Options
type ('vertex, 'hedge)
strategy_vertex = {
mutable vertex :'vertex ; |
mutable hedges :'hedge list ; |
mutable widen :bool ; |
Strategy to be applied for the vertex
is a list of incoming hyperedges. The effect of hyperedges are
applied "in parallel" and the destination vertex is updated. Be cautious:
if an incoming hyperedge is forgotten in this list, it won't be taken
into account in the analysis.
specifies whether the vertex is a widening point or not.
type ('vertex, 'hedge)
strategy = (strategy_iteration,
('vertex, 'hedge) strategy_vertex)
Type for defining iteration strategies. For instance,
[1; [2;3]; 4;
[5]; 6]
- update
- update
then 3
, and loop until stabilization;
- update
- update
and loop until stabilization;
- update
and ends the analysis.
Moreover, to each (imbricated) list is associated a record
of type
, which indicates when to
start the widening, and the maximum number of descending
Some observations on this example:
- The user should specify correctly the strategy. Two
vertices belonging to the same connex component should
always belong to a loop. Here, if there is an edge from
to 2
, the loop will not be iterated.
- A vertex may appear more than once in the strategy, if it is useful.
- Definition of the set of widening point is independent from the order
- of application, here. it is alos the user-responsability to ensure that
- the computation will end.
So-called stabilization loops can be recursive, like that:
[1; [2;
[3;4]; [5]]; 6]
, where the loop
needs to be (temporarily stable)
before going on with
val print_strategy_iteration : Format.formatter -> strategy_iteration -> unit
val print_strategy_vertex : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) strategy_vertex -> unit
print_strategy_vertex man fmt sv
prints an object of type
, using the manager man
for printing vertices and
hyperedges. The output has the form (boolean,vertex,[list of list of
val print_strategy : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) strategy -> unit
print_strategy_vertex man fmt sv
prints an object of type
, using the manager man
for printing vertices and
val make_strategy_iteration : ?widening_start:int ->
?widening_descend:int -> unit -> strategy_iteration
val make_strategy_default : ?depth:int ->
?widening_start:int ->
?widening_descend:int ->
?priority:'hedge PSHGraph.priority ->
vertex_dummy:'vertex ->
hedge_dummy:'hedge ->
('vertex, 'hedge, 'e, 'f, 'g) PSHGraph.t ->
'vertex PSette.t -> ('vertex, 'hedge) strategy
Build a "default" strategy, with the following options:
- depth: to apply the recursive strategy of Bourdoncle's paper. Default
value is 2, which means that Strongly Connected Components are
stabilized independently: the iteration order looks like
(1 2 (3 4 5)
6 (7 8) 9)
where 1, 2, 6, 9
are SCC by themselves. A higher value
defines a more recursive behavior, like (1 2 (3 (4 5)) 6 (7 (8)) 9)
- iteration: for each strategy, nb if initial steps without
widening and max nb. of descending steps (the latter being used only for
depth 2). Default is
- priority: specify which hedges should be taken into account in the
computation of the iteration order and the widening points (the one
such that
priority h >= 0
and the widening points, and also indicates
which hyperedge should be explored first at a point of choice.
One known usage for filtering: guided analysis, where one analyse
a subgraph of the equation graph.
stat_iteration = {
mutable nb :int ; |
mutable stable :bool ; |
stat = {
type ('vertex, 'hedge, 'abstract, 'arc)
output = ('vertex, 'hedge, 'abstract, 'arc, stat) PSHGraph.t
result of the analysis
val ilist_map_condense : ('a -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) Ilist.t -> ('c, 'd) Ilist.t
val stat_iteration_merge : (stat_iteration, unit) Ilist.t -> stat_iteration
val print_stat_iteration : Format.formatter -> stat_iteration -> unit
val print_stat_iteration_ilist : Format.formatter -> (stat_iteration, 'a) Ilist.t -> unit
val print_stat : Format.formatter -> stat -> unit
Prints statistics
val print_output : ('vertex, 'hedge, 'attr, 'arc) manager ->
Format.formatter ->
('vertex, 'hedge, 'attr, 'arc) output -> unit
Prints the result of an analysis.
Internal datatypes
type 'abstract
attr = {
mutable reach :'abstract ; |
mutable diff :'abstract ; |
mutable empty :bool ; |
type 'arc
arc = {
mutable arc :'arc ; |
mutable aempty :bool ; |
type ('vertex, 'hedge)
infodyn = {
mutable iaddhedge :('hedge, 'vertex array * 'vertex) PHashhe.t ; |
iequation :('vertex, 'hedge) equation ; |
type ('vertex, 'hedge)
info = {
iinit :'vertex PSette.t ; |
itime :float Pervasives.ref ; |
mutable iascending :(stat_iteration, unit) Ilist.t ; |
mutable idescending :(stat_iteration, unit) Ilist.t ; |
mutable iworkvertex :('vertex, unit) PHashhe.t ; |
mutable iworkhedge :('hedge, unit) PHashhe.t ; |
iinfodyn :('vertex, 'hedge) infodyn option ; |
type ('vertex, 'hedge, 'abstract, 'arc)
graph = ('vertex, 'hedge, 'abstract attr, 'arc arc,
('vertex, 'hedge) info)
val print_attr : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
Format.formatter -> 'c attr -> unit
val print_arc : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
Format.formatter -> 'd arc -> unit
val print_info : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b) info -> unit
val print_workingsets : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
Format.formatter -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) graph -> unit
val print_graph : ('vertex, 'hedge, 'attr, 'arc) manager ->
Format.formatter -> ('vertex, 'hedge, 'attr, 'arc) graph -> unit
Prints internal graph.
DOT output
val dot_graph : ?style:string ->
?titlestyle:string ->
?vertexstyle:string ->
?hedgestyle:string ->
?strategy:('a, 'b) strategy ->
?vertex:'a ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) manager ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) graph -> title:string -> unit