Publications 2005
- Unconventional Programming Paradigms. Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Olivier Michel (eds.), Springer-Verlag, LNCS, Vol. 3566, Revised Selected and Invited Papers of the International Workshop UPP 2004, Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France, 2005.
Academic Journals
- D. Simon, F. Benattar. Design of real-time periodic control systems through synchronisation and fixed priorities. Int. Journal of Systems Science, 36(2):57-76, 2005.
- G. Gössler, J. Sifakis. Composition for Component-based Modeling. Science of Computer Programming, 55(1):161-183, March 2005.
International Conferences
- Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Higher-order Chemical Programming Style. In Proceedings of Unconventional Programming Paradigms, LNCS, Volume 3566, Pages 84-98, 2005.
- T. Le Gall, B. Jeannet, H. Marchand. Supervisory Control of Infinite Symbolic Systems using Abstract Interpretation. In 44nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'05) and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, December 2005.
- Pascal Fradet, Stéphane Hong Tuan Ha. Systèmes de gestion de ressources et aspects de disponibilité. In 2ème Journée Francophone sur le Développement de Logiciels Par Aspects (JFDLPA 2005), Lille, France, September 2005.
- B Jeannet, D. Gopan, T. Reps. A Relational Abstraction for Functions. In Static Analysis Symposium, SAS'05, LNCS, Volume 3672, September 2005.
- D. Robert, O. Sename, D. Simon. Sampling period dependent RST controller used in control/scheduling co-design. In 16th IFAC 2005 World Conference, Prague, July 2005.
- Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Principles of Chemical Programming. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Rule-Based Programming, S. Abdennadher, C. Ringeissen (eds.), ENTCS, Volume 124(1), Pages 133-147, June 2005.
- Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Higher-order Chemical Model of Computation. In The Grand Challenge in Non-Classical Computation, April 2005.
- A. Girault. A Survey of Automatic Distribution Method for Synchronous Programs. In International Workshop on Synchronous Languages, Applications and Programs, SLAP'05, F. Maraninchi, M. Pouzet, V. Roy (eds.), ENTCS, Edinburgh, UK, April 2005.
- B. Jeannet, T. Jéron, V. Rusu, E. Zinovieva. Symbolic Test Selection based on Approximate Analysis. In Int. Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS'05, LNCS, Volume 3440, April 2005.
- Olivier Michel, Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Jean-Louis Giavitto. Challenging Questions for the Rationals of Non-Classical Programming Languages. In The Grand Challenge in Non-Classical Computation, April 2005.
- D. Simon, D. Robert, O. Sename. Robust control/scheduling co-design: application to robot control. In RTAS'05 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Pages 118-127, San Francisco, March 2005.
- B Jeannet, D. Gopan, T. Reps. A Relational Abstraction for Functions. In Int. Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains, January 2005.
Research Reports
- G. Goessler. Reach Scheduling for Embedded Systems. Research Report INRIA, France, No 5651, 2005. download
- Bertrand Jeannet, Thierry Jéron, Tristan Le Gall. Abstract lattices for the analysis of systems with unbounded FIFO channels. Research Report IRISA, No 1767, December 2005.
- Jean-Pierre Banâtre, Pascal Fradet, Yann Radenac. Generalized Multisets for Chemical Programming. Research Report INRIA, No 5743, November 2005. download
- G. Delaval, E. Rutten. A Domain-Specific Language for Multi-task Systems, applying Discrete Controller Synthesis. Research Report INRIA, No 5690, September 2005. download
- T. Legall, B. Jeannet, H. Marchand. Contrôle de systèmes symboliques, discrets ou hybrides. Technical Report IRISA, No 0, January 2005.
- Rémi Douence, Simplice Djoko Djoko, Pascal Fradet, Didier Le Botlan, Tom Staijen. Towards a Common Aspect Semantic Base (CASB). October 2005.
Master's thesis
- N. Brinis. Synthèse d'un Contrôleur pour le Problème des Généraux Byzantins. Master Thesis École Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique, La Manouba, Tunisie, July 2005.
- E. Saule. Ordonnancement Fiable pour la Génération de Code Temps-Réel Embarqué. Master Thesis INPG, Grenoble, France, June 2005.
- H. Yu. Synthèse de Contrôleurs pour la Tolérance aux Fautes des Capteurs. Master Thesis Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, June 2005.
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