module Expr: sig
.. end
Syntax tree for printing
type 'a
atom =
| |
Tbool of 'a * bool |
| |
Tint of 'a * int list |
| |
Tenum of 'a * 'a list |
type 'a
term =
| |
Tatom of 'a atom |
| |
Texternal of (int * bool) |
| |
Tcst of bool |
Basic term
val map_atom : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a atom -> 'b atom
val map_term : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a term -> 'b term
val term_of_vint : 'a -> 'd Bdd.Int.t -> Bdd.Reg.Minterm.t -> 'a term
val term_of_venum : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'a -> 'd Bdd.Enum.t -> Bdd.Reg.Minterm.t -> 'a term
val term_of_idcondb : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
int * bool -> 'a term
val bool_of_tbool : Cudd.Man.tbool -> bool
val mand : 'a term list Pervasives.ref ->
'a term -> unit
val conjunction_of_minterm : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
Cudd.Man.tbool array -> 'a term Bdd.Normalform.conjunction
val dnf_of_bdd : ('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
'd Cudd.Bdd.t -> 'a term Bdd.Normalform.dnf
val print_term : ?print_external_idcondb:(Format.formatter -> int * bool -> unit) ->
('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
Format.formatter -> 'a term -> unit
val print_conjunction : ?print_external_idcondb:(Format.formatter -> int * bool -> unit) ->
('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
Format.formatter ->
'a term Bdd.Normalform.conjunction -> unit
val print_dnf : ?print_external_idcondb:(Format.formatter -> int * bool -> unit) ->
('a, [> 'a Bdd.Env.typ ], [> 'a Bdd.Env.typdef ], 'd, 'e) Bdd.Env.O.t ->
Format.formatter -> 'a term Bdd.Normalform.dnf -> unit