module FixpointThreshold: sig
.. end
Fixpoint analysis of an equation system: inference of thresholds
Public datatypes
type ('vertex, 'hedge, 'threshold)
parameter = {
mutable compare :'threshold -> 'threshold -> int ; |
mutable print :Format.formatter -> 'threshold -> unit ; |
mutable init :'vertex -> 'threshold PSette.t ; |
mutable apply :'hedge -> 'threshold PSette.t array -> 'threshold PSette.t ; |
mutable iteration_nb :int ; |
Manager for thresholds
val inference : ('vertex, 'hedge, 'abstract, 'arc) FixpointType.manager ->
('vertex, 'hedge, 'threshold) parameter ->
('vertex, 'hedge, 'a, 'b, 'c) PSHGraph.t ->
('vertex, 'hedge) FixpointType.strategy ->
('vertex, 'threshold PSette.t) PHashhe.t
Inference functions, taking a standard manager, a
threshold manager, an equation graph, and an iteration