Index of types

add [Bdd.Output]
add [Cudd.Add]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
aggregation [Cudd.Man]
Type of aggregation methods.
anode [Bdd.Output]
ADD node
apron_coeff [Bddapron.Expr1]
apron_coeff [Bddapron.Expr0]
apron_cons_typ [Bddapron.Expr1]
apron_round [Bddapron.Expr1]
apron_round [Bddapron.Expr0]
apron_typ [Bddapron.Expr1]
apron_typ [Bddapron.Expr0]
asssub [Bddapron.ApronDD]
atom [Bdd.Expr0.O.Expr]

bbinop [Bddapron.Syntax]
Boolean/finite-type binary operators
bdd [Bddapron.Domain1]
bdd [Bddapron.Domain0]
bdd [Bdd.Output]
bdd [Cudd.Bdd]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
binop [Bddapron.Syntax]
binop [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Tree]
binop [Apron.Texpr1]
Binary operators
binop [Apron.Texpr0]
Binary operators
bnode [Bdd.Output]
BDD node
box1 [Apron.Abstract1]

capsule [Cudd.Mtbddc]
change [Bddapron.Env]
change [Bdd.Env]
Contain the computed information to switch from one environment to another one.
change [Apron.Dim]
change2 [Apron.Dim]
cnf [Bdd.Normalform]
common [Cudd.User]
Common information to all operations
common [Cudd.Custom]
Common information
compare [SHGraph]
compare [PSHGraph]
compare [PHashhe]
compare [Hashhe]
compare [Cudd.PWeakke]
compare [Cudd.Weakke]
cond [Bddapron.Cond]
conjunction [Bdd.Normalform]
cst [Bddapron.Syntax]

d [Cudd.Man]
Indicates that a CUDD manager manipulates standard ADDs with leaves of type C double
data [Cudd.Weakke.S]
The type of the elements stored in the table.
decision [Bdd.Normalform]
dimension [Apron.Dim]
disjunction [Bdd.Normalform]
dnf [Bdd.Normalform]
dt [Bdd.Domain1.O]
dt [Bdd.Domain1]
dt [Bdd.Domain0]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.O.List]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.O.Benum]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.O.Bint]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.O.Bool]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.O]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.List]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.Benum]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.Bint]
dt [Bdd.Expr1.Bool]
dt [Bdd.Expr1]
dt [Bdd.Expr0.O.Benum]
dt [Bdd.Expr0.O.Bint]
dt [Bdd.Expr0.O.Bool]
dt [Bdd.Expr0.Benum]
dt [Bdd.Expr0.Bint]
dt [Bdd.Expr0.Bool]
dt [Bdd.Expr0]
dt [Bdd.Enum]
dt [Bdd.Int]
dt [Bdd.Reg]
dt [Cudd.Bdd]
dt [Cudd.Man]

earray [Apron.Tcons1]
earray [Apron.Generator1]
earray [Apron.Lincons1]
el [Ilist]
Type of list elements
elt [Bddapron.Bdddomain0]
elt [Bddapron.Bddleaf]
elt [SetList.S]
The type of the set elements.
elt [MultiSetList.S]
Type of multiset elements
elt [Sette.S]
The type of the set elements.
equalities [Polka]
Linear equalities.
error [Cudd.Man]
Type of error when CUDD raises an exception.
exc [Apron.Manager]
exclog [Apron.Manager]
exist [Cudd.Add]
exist [Cudd.User]
exist [Cudd.Custom]
Existential quantification
existand [Cudd.Add]
existand [Cudd.User]
existand [Cudd.Custom]
Existential quantification combined with intersection
existandop1 [Cudd.Add]
existandop1 [Cudd.User]
existandop1 [Cudd.Custom]
Existential quantification combined with intersection
existop1 [Cudd.Add]
existop1 [Cudd.User]
existop1 [Cudd.Custom]
Existop1ential quantification
expr [Bddapron.Syntax]
expr [Bddapron.Expr2.O]
expr [Bddapron.Expr2]
expr [Bddapron.Expr1.O]
Type of general expressions
expr [Bddapron.Expr1]
Type of general expressions
expr [Bddapron.Expr0]
Type of general expressions
expr [Bddapron.Apronexpr]
expr [Bdd.Expr1.O]
Type of general expressions
expr [Bdd.Expr1]
Type of general expressions
expr [Bdd.Expr0]
Type of general expressions
expr [Apron.Texpr1]
User type for tree expressions
expr [Apron.Texpr0]
User type for tree expressions
ext [Bddapron.Env]
Environment extension.

f [Mpz]
Functional (immutable) tag
f [Mpq]
Functional (immutable) tag
f [Mpfr]
Functional (immutable) tag
f [Mpf]
Functional (immutable) tag
funid [Apron.Manager]
funopt [Apron.Manager]

global [Bddapron.ApronDD]
graph [SHGraph]
graph [FGraph]
grid [Ppl]
Linear congruences.

hashtbl [Hashhe]
hashtbl [Cudd.Weakke]
hedge [SHGraph.T]
Type of hyperedge identifiers
hedge [SHGraph.S]
hedge_n [SHGraph]

info [Bdd.Decompose]
internal [Polka]
internal [Oct]

key [Mappe.S]
key [Hashhe.S]

lazygroup [Cudd.Man]
Group type for lazy sifting.
leaf [Bddapron.ApronDD]
leaf_u [Bddapron.ApronDD]
loose [Ppl]
loose [Polka]

m [Mpz]
Mutable tag
m [Mpq]
Mutable tag
m [Mpfr]
Mutable tag
m [Mpf]
Mutable tag
man [Bddapron.Policy.Mtbdddomain0]
man [Bddapron.Policy.Domain0]
Type of generic policy managers.
man [Bddapron.Policy.Domain1]
Type of generic policy managers.
man [Bddapron.Policy.PDomain0]
man [Bddapron.Policy.PMtbdddomain0]
man [Bddapron.Domain1]
Type of generic managers.
man [Bddapron.Domainlevel1.Level0]
man [Bddapron.Domainlevel1.Level1]
man [Bddapron.Domain0]
Type of generic managers.
man [Bddapron.Bdddomain0]
man [Bddapron.Mtbdddomain0]
man [Bddapron.ApronDD]
man [Apron.Policy]
map [Mappe]
memo_discr [Cudd.Memo]
mlvalue [Cudd.Custom]
monomial [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Poly]
mtbdd [Bddapron.Policy.Domain0]
mtbdd [Bddapron.Policy.Domain1]
mtbdd [Bddapron.Domain1]
mtbdd [Bddapron.Domain0]
mtbdd [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
mtbdd [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
mtr [Cudd.Man]
Is variable order inside group fixed or not ?

node [FGraph]

op1 [Cudd.Add]
op1 [Cudd.User]
op1 [Cudd.Custom]
Unary operation
op2 [Cudd.Add]
op2 [Cudd.User]
op2 [Cudd.Custom]
Binary operation
op3 [Cudd.Add]
op3 [Cudd.User]
op3 [Cudd.Custom]
Ternary operation
opG [Cudd.Add]
opG [Cudd.User]
N-ary general operation
opG [Cudd.Custom]
N-ary general operation
opN [Cudd.Add]
opN [Cudd.User]
N-ary operation
opN [Cudd.Custom]
N-ary operation

perm [Apron.Dim]
pid [Cudd.User]
Identifiers of closures used in shared memoization tables
pid [Cudd.Custom]
priority [SHGraph]
priority [PSHGraph]

reorder [Cudd.Man]
Reordering method.
round [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Tree]
round [Apron.Texpr1]
Rounding direction
round [Apron.Texpr0]
Rounding direction
round [Mpfr]

set [Sette]
state [Gmp_random]
strict [Ppl]
Two flavors for convex polyhedra: loose or strict.
strict [Polka]
Two flavors for convex polyhedra: loose or strict.
symbol [Bddapron.Env]
Manager for manipulating symbols.
symbol [Bddapron.Apronexpr]
symbol [Bdd.Env]
Manager for manipulating symbols.

t [Bddapron.Policy.Mtbdddomain0]
t [Bddapron.Policy.PMtbdddomain0]
t [Bddapron.Policy.DPolicy]
t [Bddapron.Policy.DDDnf]
t [Bddapron.Policy.Dnf]
Disjunction of conjuction of conditions.
t [Bddapron.Domain1]
Type of generic abstract values
t [Bddapron.Domainlevel1.Level0]
BDDAPRON Abstract value.
t [Bddapron.Domainlevel1.Level1]
Level 1 abstract value
t [Bddapron.Domain0]
Type of generic abstract values
t [Bddapron.Bdddomain0]
Abstract value.
t [Bddapron.Bddleaf]
t [Bddapron.Mtbdddomain0]
BDDAPRON Abstract value.
t [Bddapron.Expr2.List]
t [Bddapron.Expr2.Bool]
t [Bddapron.Expr2.O.List]
t [Bddapron.Expr2.O.Bool]
t [Bddapron.Expr2.O]
t [Bddapron.Expr2]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.O.List]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.O.Apron]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.O.Benum]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.O.Bint]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.O.Bool]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.O]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.List]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.Apron]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.Benum]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.Bint]
t [Bddapron.Expr1.Bool]
t [Bddapron.Expr1]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.O.Apron]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.O.Benum]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.O.Bint]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.O.Bool]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.Apron]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.Benum]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.Bint]
t [Bddapron.Expr0.Bool]
t [Bddapron.Expr0]
t [Bddapron.ApronDD]
t [Bddapron.ApronexprDD]
t [Bddapron.Cond.O]
t [Bddapron.Cond]
t [Bddapron.Env.O]
t [Bddapron.Env]
t [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Condition]
t [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Tree]
t [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Poly]
t [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Lin]
t [Bddapron.Apronexpr]
t [Bdd.Domain1.O]
t [Bdd.Domain1]
Abstract value
t [Bdd.Domain0]
Abstract value
t [Bdd.Expr1.O.List]
t [Bdd.Expr1.O.Benum]
t [Bdd.Expr1.O.Bint]
t [Bdd.Expr1.O.Bool]
t [Bdd.Expr1.O]
t [Bdd.Expr1.List]
t [Bdd.Expr1.Benum]
t [Bdd.Expr1.Bint]
t [Bdd.Expr1.Bool]
t [Bdd.Expr1]
t [Bdd.Expr0.O.Benum]
t [Bdd.Expr0.O.Bint]
t [Bdd.Expr0.O.Bool]
t [Bdd.Expr0.Benum]
t [Bdd.Expr0.Bint]
t [Bdd.Expr0.Bool]
t [Bdd.Expr0]
t [Bdd.Cond]
t [Bdd.Enum]
t [Bdd.Int]
type of an enumerated variable
t [Bdd.Env.O]
t [Bdd.Env]
t [Bdd.Reg.Minterm]
Type of a minterm: an array of Booleans extend with undefined value, indexed by variable indices.
t [Bdd.Reg]
type of arrays of bits
t [Union]
The type of the data structure storing set membership (the universe)
t [Symbol]
Type of symbols (actually integers)
t [Sette]
The type of sets over elements of type 'a.
t [SetList.S]
The type of sets.
t [SetList]
The type of sets over elements of type 'a.
t [SHGraph.S]
Type of hypergraphs, where 'a : information associated to vertices, 'b : information associated to hedges, 'c : user-information associated to an hypergraph
t [SHGraph]
The type of hypergraphs where 'a : type of vertices, 'b : type of hedges, 'c : information associated to vertices, 'd : information associated to hedges, 'e : user-information associated to an hypergraph
t [Rational]
t [PSette]
t [PSHGraph]
t [PMappe]
t [PHashhe]
t [PDMappe]
t [PDHashhe]
t [MultiSetList.S]
Type of multisets over type elt.
t [MultiSetList]
The type of multisets over elements of type 'a.
t [Mappe]
The type of maps from type 'a to type 'b.
t [Ilist]
Type of imbricated lists.
t [Hashhe]
The type of hash tables from type 'a to type 'b.
t [FGraph1.S]
The type of graphs, where: 'b is the type of vertex attribute (attrvertex);, 'c is the type of edge attributes (attredge)
t [FGraph1]
t [FGraph.S]
The type of graphs, where: 'b is the type of vertex attribute (attrvertex);, 'c is the type of edge attributes (attredge)
t [FGraph]
t [Sette.S]
The type of sets.
t [Mappe.S]
t [DMappe.S]
t [DMappe]
The type of two-way maps
t [Hashhe.HashedType]
The type of the hashtable keys.
t [Hashhe.S]
t [DHashhe.S]
t [DHashhe]
The type of two-way hashtables, meant to be abstract
t [T1p]
Type of Taylor1+ forms.
t [PolkaGrid]
Type of abstract values, where 'a is Polka.loose or Polka.strict.
t [Ppl]
Type of convex polyhedra/linear congruences, where 'a is loose, strict or grid.
t [Polka]
Type of convex polyhedra/linear equalities, where 'a is loose, strict or equalities.
t [Oct]
Type of octagons.
t [Box]
Type of boxes.
t [Apron.Disjunction]
t [Apron.Policy]
t [Apron.Abstract1]
t [Apron.Tcons1]
t [Apron.Texpr1]
t [Apron.Generator1]
t [Apron.Lincons1]
t [Apron.Linexpr1]
t [Apron.Environment]
t [Apron.Var]
t [Apron.Abstract0]
t [Apron.Manager]
t [Apron.Tcons0]
t [Apron.Texpr0]
t [Apron.Generator0]
t [Apron.Lincons0]
t [Apron.Linexpr0]
t [Apron.Dim]
t [Apron.Coeff]
t [Apron.Interval]
t [Apron.Scalar]
t [Cudd.Add]
Abstract type for ADDs (that are necessarily attached to a manager of type Man.d Man.t).
t [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Type of MTBDDs.
t [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Type of MTBDDs.
t [Cudd.PWeakke]
t [Cudd.Weakke.S]
The type of tables that contain elements of type data.
t [Cudd.Weakke]
t [Cudd.Vdd]
Type of VDDs (that are necessarily attached to a manager of type Man.v Man.t).
t [Cudd.Bdd]
Abstract type for BDDs.
t [Cudd.Man]
Type of CUDD managers, where 'a is either d or v
t [Cudd.Memo]
Type of memoization table
t [Cudd.Cache]
Abstract type for local caches
t [Cudd.Hash]
Abstract type for user hashtables
t [Mpzf]
multi-precision integer
t [Mpz]
Mutable multi-precision integer
t [Mpqf]
multi-precision rationals
t [Mpq]
Mutable multi-precision rationals
t [Mpfrf]
multi-precision floating-point numbers
t [Mpfr]
Mutable multi-precision floating-point numbers
t [Mpf]
Mutable multi-precision floating-point numbers
t0 [Bddapron.Domainlevel1.Level1]
Level 0 abstract value.
t0 [Bddapron.Env]
t0 [Bdd.Env]
table [Bddapron.Policy.DPolicy]
table [Bddapron.Policy.DDDnf]
table [Bddapron.ApronDD]
table [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Hashtable to manage unique constants
table [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Hashtable to manage unique constants
tbool [Cudd.Man]
term [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Poly]
term [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Lin]
term [Bdd.Expr0.O.Expr]
Basic term
test2 [Cudd.Add]
test2 [Cudd.User]
test2 [Cudd.Custom]
Binary test
token [Bddapron.Yacc]
token [Apron.Apron_parser]
tree [Bdd.Normalform]
Decision tree
tt [Mpzf]
tt [Mpz]
tt [Mpqf]
tt [Mpq]
tt [Mpfrf]
tt [Mpfr]
tt [Mpf]
typ [Bddapron.Env]
typ [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Condition]
typ [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Tree]
typ [Bddapron.Apronexpr]
typ [Bdd.Decompose]
typ [Bdd.Enum]
A type is just a name
typ [Bdd.Env]
typ [Apron.Tcons1]
typ [Apron.Texpr1]
Destination type for rounding
typ [Apron.Generator1]
typ [Apron.Lincons1]
typ [Apron.Tcons0]
typ [Apron.Texpr0]
Destination type for rounding
typ [Apron.Generator0]
typ [Apron.Lincons0]
typ_of_var [Bddapron.Apronexpr]
typdef [Bddapron.Env]
Type definitions.
typdef [Bdd.Enum]
An enumerated type is defined by its (ordered) set of labels
typdef [Bdd.Env]
Type defintions.
typvar [Apron.Environment]

union_5 [Apron.Coeff]
unique [Cudd.Mtbddc]
Type of unique representants of MTBDD leaves of type 'a.
unique [Cudd.Mtbdd]
Type of unique representants of MTBDD leaves of type 'a.
unop [Bddapron.Syntax]
Unary operators
unop [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Tree]
unop [Apron.Texpr1]
Unary operators
unop [Apron.Texpr0]

v [Cudd.Man]
Indicates that a CUDD manager manipulates ``custom'' ADDs with leaves of type an OCaml value, see modules Cudd.Mtbdd and Cudd.Mtbddc.
value [Bddapron.Cond]
value [Bddapron.Env]
Type of pairs (environment, value)
value [Bdd.Cond]
value [Bdd.Env]
Type of pairs (environment, value)
varexp [Bddapron.Apronexpr.Poly]
vartype [Cudd.Man]
Variable type.
vdd [Bdd.Decompose]
vdd [Bdd.Output]
vdd [Cudd.Vdd]
Public type for exploring the abstract type t
vertex [SHGraph.T]
Type of vertex identifiers
vertex [SHGraph.S]
vertex [FGraph1.S]
The type of vertices
vertex [FGraph.S]
The type of vertices
vertex_n [SHGraph]
vnode [Bdd.Output]
MTBDD node
vt [Bdd.Domain1.O]
vt [Bdd.Domain1]
vt [Bdd.Domain0]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.O.List]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.O.Benum]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.O.Bint]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.O.Bool]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.O]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.List]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.Benum]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.Bint]
vt [Bdd.Expr1.Bool]
vt [Bdd.Expr1]
vt [Bdd.Expr0.O.Benum]
vt [Bdd.Expr0.O.Bint]
vt [Bdd.Expr0.O.Bool]
vt [Bdd.Expr0.Benum]
vt [Bdd.Expr0.Bint]
vt [Bdd.Expr0.Bool]
vt [Bdd.Expr0]
vt [Bdd.Enum]
vt [Bdd.Int]
vt [Bdd.Reg]
vt [Cudd.Bdd]
vt [Cudd.Man]

x [DMappe.S]
x [DHashhe.S]

y [DMappe.S]
y [DHashhe.S]